What is goat yoga?
A bunch of goats doing yoga you ask? No, and it sounds like a joke, but it’s not. A yoga teacher leads a class of humans, while goats interact with them. Interaction can be nibbles (your hair, clothing or belongings) nuzzles and sniffs. Having witnessed a large group of bachelorettes doing this, it’s safe to say you won’t be able to keep a straight face when you see a goat climbing on someone’s back, while trying to do the downward dog.
Is there a purpose for goat yoga?
It’s a proven fact that animals lift our spirit, lessen feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression, and enhance communication. Petting them produces an automatic relaxation response. You can’t help but smile and laugh, when they’re on you or around you.
Are male and female goats used?
Yes, both male and female goats are used for goat yoga. However, not all instructors use males as they tend to be a little more assertive. Goats are the ideal animal, because they don’t need to form a bond with humans to interact with them. Baby goats feel quite comfortable approaching humans and are natural comedians.
Is this just a fad?
Although currently very popular and cool to see on a friend’s Instagram, do not dismiss it as a here today, gone tomorrow fad. Research has proven that animal therapy helps and has been known to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and even pain.
Where can I do this?
Blue Mountain Goat Yoga is currently offering classes at Grey & Gold Cider Company (one of our partner venues). Knowing just how much fun this is, we’ve included goat yoga as an add-on to our Waterfalls & Wine Tour and Cheese Please, Wine Too! As we head into the fall, yoga will be weather dependent as to when classes will end, so if you’d like to participate, we recommend booking now.